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Brazilian Roofing Slate


Updated: May 23, 2023

Located in Papagaois, Brazil, these natural Lovat slates are mined and processed from sources of the highest grade.

The finest quality natural slate is a very resilient and long-lasting stone that includes nearly no brittle minerals.

This Brazilian natural slate, when placed properly, will outlast the life of the building it is attached to, in contrast to synthetic materials that include graphite, carbon, and other unstable minerals that weaken the structure and decrease the life of the slate.

The natural slate from Brazil comes in two colours, grey-green and graphite, and its subtle colour differences provide a classic look.

Brazilian natural slate is made from fantastically consistent natural sedimentary stone, and it is still inspected regularly to guarantee it satisfies BS EN 12326-1 for roofing slate.

Natural Brazilian slate is the best option for a high-quality, visually beautiful, and conventional roof since it is unaffected by sunshine, UV radiation, and acid rain.

Because of their superior quality and longevity, Lovat first class natural slates are backed by a century-long warranty.

The effective quarrying method used in Brazil's slate quarries is widely lauded for producing slate with an exquisitely smooth surface and naturally fettled edge.

Our certified A1-S1-T1 Brazilian roofing slate comes from special quarries in the northern areas of Brazil and is a great choice if you're looking for high-quality slate at a reasonable price.

The speckled effect seen in genuine Brazilian slate gives it a one-of-a-kind look.

For durability and dependability, the BS Standard A1-S1-T1 is your best bet.

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